York Book And Paper Fair (now with Records and Comics too) Moves to the Holiday Inn April 3rd.
The long running York Book and Paper Fair, newly expanded to include records and comics, is departing its home for the last 25 years, the York Fairgrounds, in search of greener pastures at the Holiday Inn and Conference Center at rts. 30 and 74. The show promises to be great as always, with a wide range of books, paper records, and everything else. The bi-annual fair has always been a source of wonder for me, even before they started having record vendors. Being a collector of crime fiction and sci-fi, I was intrigued to see obscure paperbacks by my favorite authors like Jim Thompson, Charles Willeford, and Philip K. Dick to name a few. Quite a variety of culture floating about in that room for sure!

Now you can shop in the spacious rooms at the Holiday Inn, and even pick up some possibly previously elusive LPs and 45s too, and the Book and Paper Fair has graciously put a $1 off admission coupon online, and you can download that here.
The expanded focus of the show to include records, comics, and related items makes the already unique show, a bit more unique, and certainly a lot of fun to browse. The show's promoter, Jim Lewin, has been a great help to vinyl freaks in the York area with both the expansion of his Book Fair, and also by hosting the first York Record Riot at the York Emporium back in February. That event at the Emporium was well attended and all concerned had a blast. We tentatively have the next one scheduled for the last Wednesday in May. Stay tuned for more details!
So come on out this Saturday and check out the new digs of the York Book, Record, Paper, Comic, Etc., Fair and see if you can take a little bit of culture and give it a new home.
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